Digital Forensics course provides the skills required for a candidate to become a Digital Forensics
investigator. The skills acquired through this course can make one to understand the essential
concepts to perform Digital Forensics Investigation, extracting evidences and prepare report about
the attack or crime. In this course we will start with Understanding Digital Forensics, preparing for an
investigation, evidence acquisition, Analysing the evidence, being an expert witness and perform
corporate investigations.
In this course, you will learn to
- Overview of Digital Forensics Investigation
- Understanding of Digital Evidence
- Investigation Phase
- Data Acquisition and Analysis
- Operating System Forensics
- Network Forensics
- Malware Forensics
This course is for Students/IT Professionals/Ethical Hackers who is interested in becoming Digital
Forensic Investigator and Cyber Security professional.
Module 01: Introduction to Digital Forensics
Understanding Digital Forensics
Rules of Forensics Investigation
Understanding of Digital Evidence
Sources of Potential Evidence
Rules of Evidence
Legal and Privacy Issues
Code of Ethics
Module 02: Digital Forensics Investigation Process
Pre-investigation Phase
Investigation Phase
Post-investigation Phase
Module 03: Understanding Hard Disks and File Systems
Hard Disk Drive Overview
Understanding File Systems
File System Analysis
Module 04: Data Acquisition and Duplication
Understanding Data Acquisition
Static Acquisition
Validate Data Acquisitions
Module 05: Operating System Forensics
Collecting Volatile Information
Collecting Non-Volatile Information
Windows Memory Analysis
Windows Registry Analysis
Cache, Cookie, and History Analysis
Windows File Analysis
Metadata Investigation
Module 06: Network Forensics
Introduction to Network Forensics
Fundamental Logging Concepts
Event Correlation Concepts
Network Forensics Steps
Network Traffic Investigation
Module 07: Malware Forensics
Understanding Malware Forensics
Malware Analysis