Course Objectives
Audience Profile
Course Module

This course teaches IT Professionals how to manage their Azure subscriptions, create and scale virtual machines, implement storage solutions, configure virtual networking, backup and share data, connect Azure and on-premises sites, manage network traffic, implement Azure Active Directory, secure identities, and monitor your solution.

In this course, you will learn to

  • Manage Azure subscriptions and resources.

  • Configure and manage virtual networks.

  • Deploy and manage virtual machines (VMs).

  • Implement and manage storage.

  • Configure and manage Azure Backup Solution.

  • Configure and manage Azure AppService.

  • Configure and manage Azure SQL Database.

  • Manage Azure Active Directory (AD).

This course is for IT Professionals who need manage the cloud services that span storage, networking, and compute cloud capabilities, with a deep understanding of each service across the full IT lifecycle. They take end-user requests for new cloud applications and make recommendations on services to use for optimal performance and scale, as well as provision, size, monitor and adjust as appropriate.

Understanding of on-premises virtualization technologies, including: VMs, virtual networking, and virtual hard disks.

  • Understanding of network configuration, including TCP/IP, Domain Name System (DNS), virtual private networks (VPNs), firewalls, and encryption technologies.

  • Understanding of Active Directory concepts, including domains, forests, domain controllers.

  • Understanding of resilience and disaster recovery, including backup and restore operations.


a) Cloud Computing Introduction

b) Azure global infrastructure

c) Azure Account and Subscription

d) Create Azure Account and Subscription e) Core Services of Azure IaaS

Implement virtual networking

a) Azure Networking Services Overview

b) Connectivity services

c) Create VNet

d) Application Protection Services

e) Create Network Security Group

f) Application Delivery Services

g) Network Monitoring services

Implement storage accounts

a) Storage Account Overview

b) Create Storage Account

Implement VMs for Windows and Linux

a) Azure Virtual Machines

b) Virtual Machine series

c) Create Windows Virtual Machine

d) Connect and Explore Windows Virtual Machine

e) Configure Windows Virtual Machine as a Webserver

f) Create Linux Virtual Machine

g) Connect and Explore Linux Virtual Machine

h) Configure Linux Virtual Machine as Webserver

i) Delete Resource Group

j) Configure Static IP for VM

k) Changing Size of VM

l) Reset Windows VM Admin Password

m) Reset Remote Desktop Setting of Windows VM

n) Working on Serial Console of Windows VM

Automate deployment and configuration of resources

a) Azure PowerShell

b) Create Windows VM Azure PowerShell

c) Azure Resource Manager

d) Create-Download ARM Template

e) Edit ARM Template

f) Deploy Resources Using ARM Template

g) Deploy Linux VM Using ARM Template

Availability Sets

a) Availability Set Overview

b) Create Availability Set

c) Create VMs in Availability Set

Load Balancer

a) Azure Load Balancer Overview

b) Configure VMs as Webserver for Azure Load Balancer

c) Create Azure Load Balancer

d) Configure Backend Pool

e) Configure Health Probe

f) Configure Load Balancer Rule

g) Test Load Balancing

Implement cloud infrastructure monitoring

a) Configure Diagnostic Settings on Azure Resources

b) Create Alerts

c) Create Alert Rule Action

d) Create Metrics

e) Log Analytics Workspace

Implement storage accounts - Level2

a) Azure Blob Storage

b) Create Containers in Storage Account

c) Add Data Disk to VM

d) Detach Data Disk the VM

e) Upload On-Premises VHD to Azure Storage Account

f) Create File Shares

g) Configure Shared Access Signature

h) Access Storage Account Using Storage Explorer

i) Azure AD Authentication for Storage

Implement virtual networking - Level2

a) Route Table

b) Application Security Group

c) Virtual Network Peering

d) Create Virtual Network Peering

e) Create Global Virtual Network Peering

f) Create VNet-to-VNet Connectivity

Azure SQL and Business Continuity

a) Implementing and managing Azure SQL Database

b) Managing Azure SQL Database security

c) Monitoring Azure SQL Database

d) Managing Azure SQL Database business continuity

Azure Backup and Restore

a) Azure Backup Service

b) Cerate Recovery Service Vault

c) Configure Backup for Azure Workloads

d) Configure Backup for Azure File Shares

e) Configure Backup for On-Premises Workloads

f) Install and Register MARS Agent on On-Premises Workload

g) Backup and Restore On-Premises Workload using MARS Agent

Implement an Azure Application Infrastructure

a) Azure App Service

b) Create Azure App Service

c) Configure FTP Deployment User And Upload App Service Content

d) Configure Custom Domain Name for App Service

e) Configure Scaling for App Service

f) Configure Deployment Slots for App Service

Implement Azure Active Directory

a) Azure Active Directory

b) Create Custom Domain in Azure Active Directory

c) Create Users and Groups in Azure Active Directory

d) Configure Enterprise Applications For Azure AD User

e) Multi-Factor Authentication

f) Configure MultiFactor Authentication

g) Configure Azure Multi-Factor Authentication settings

h) Configure Azure AD Premium License

i) Configure Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR)

j) Azure Active Directory Identity Protection

k) Azure Active Directory Identity Protection - Security overview

l) Azure Active Directory Identity Protection - Demo

m) Azure AD Conditional Access policies

n) Azure AD Conditional Access policies - Demo

o) Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Identity Governance

p) Manage guest access with Azure AD access reviews

q) Azure AD Identity Governance - Review Access – Demo

Implement and manage hybrid identities

a) Hybrid Identity with Azure Active Directory

b) Hybrid Identity with Azure Active Directory-Demo

c) Install and Configure Azure AD Connect-Demo

d) Configure and Manage Password Sync and Password Writeback

e) Azure AD Connect Health